Thursday, January 8, 2009

first day in school

first day school in 2009,aku jalan kaki...membe aku la ajak..always go by car...I hope dapat enter klas sk but cikgu sial jeee....pegi sumbat kan aku kat kelas accaunt 1...xdela minat sgt nk jd mcm sial jee...There are 54 students in my class (!)..mlepet jeee......nak study senang lagoi...smk bukit indah is the best school that i have been go to study...(sucks)

azam baru

my azam baru is stop smoke...da berenti sebulan da...i hope dapat bertahan smpi mampos la...."hazry ko jangan nak curik2 hisap plak yeh...."


Kita perlu berkawan dengan siape pon..