Sunday, January 11, 2009

Best Friend

niya aqil adlina nadya

Freak Family

hye there..we built the freak team on 24/3/ is the long time built the freak the freak team many crisis that have i enter the freak team..????? first.i dont no about the freak team...cek mai intoduce me about that team...~_~...i'm very happy with this team cause we now each other....last time,in the freak team we have boy and girl...because of 1 incident the girls leave the team..T_T..sekarang nie pon girl sorang je yang ade..aku melepet jerk..if tou want to know budak freak...kowang tengokla gamba2 yang ade...i hope the freak team is until yhe death..



aiman misai
this is my member freak..=)

Friday, January 9, 2009

Aiman Cute

Ohh.this is aiman and he is the gersang boy..hahaha...He always buat muke gersang dye tu klu jumpe pompuan hahaha...dye sorang jee kat team freak form 3...budak2.


this is my friend and he is the freak team too...his name is hazry...die nie always buat lawak la...duduk ngan dye memang tak berenti gelak...dengan mkenye yg lawak dan blur...i know him starting this year..we are like sibling da...dye nie tak show off sangatla...i love being his friend...i hopela dapt kawan ngan dye 4ever...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

first day in school

first day school in 2009,aku jalan kaki...membe aku la ajak..always go by car...I hope dapat enter klas sk but cikgu sial jeee....pegi sumbat kan aku kat kelas accaunt 1...xdela minat sgt nk jd mcm sial jee...There are 54 students in my class (!)..mlepet jeee......nak study senang lagoi...smk bukit indah is the best school that i have been go to study...(sucks)

Monday, January 5, 2009


Hello there! I'm Wan Amirul Faizal but just Pejal for short:) I'm 16 this year and currently studying at SEMINDA. Well, nothing much about me, i guess. I enjoy playing hockey so much and the video games too;p I'm kinda mummy's son. Well, Nadirah thinks so. HAHA^,^ Whatever. && this is the first blogpost. Err..I'm not sure who is posting this by the way. *Wink! HAHA

And hey! Introduce my buddy who is so damn freak. Hazry's his name;) We've been bestfriends since secondary school. Well, he's not that bad. Everyone change right? But please! Change to be a way better person. & Oh yeahh! SMOKERS are NOT allowed! Penjara seumur hidup! HAHAHAHA Well okay,thats all then. Write more soon:)

azam baru

my azam baru is stop smoke...da berenti sebulan da...i hope dapat bertahan smpi mampos la...."hazry ko jangan nak curik2 hisap plak yeh...."


Kita perlu berkawan dengan siape pon..